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10 Sales Pitch Examples, Templates And Tips



Sales Pitch Examples Templates and Tips

Giving a sales pitch well is definitely challenging. The presenter needs to create a picture of how their product improves a customer’s life while keeping it short, engaging, and customized for that specific person.

So, how can a salesperson highlight the benefits for the customer in a brief yet engaging presentation 🤔? Creating a short and concise sales pitch that provides all the required information in less than 5 minutes. 

In this article, we will discuss a sales pitch, its importance, and key elements. We will also discuss how to start a sales pitch, 10 sales pitch examples, and the best practices of a sales pitch. 

🔽Let’s get started. 


  • Focus on the key benefits of the product/service and give a clear call to action to keep the sales pitch short and concise, ideally 1-3 minutes.
  • Customize the pitch based on the target audience and find out what problems your solution can solve for them.
  • Show how your solution is better than competitors by highlighting the unique value proposition and strong points that differentiate you.
  • Clearly explain your solution and how it addresses customer issues/problems. Illustrate step-by-step how it will fix their difficulties.
  • When pitching, display enthusiasm and passion for the product. This can influence customers and help your pitch stand out.
  • Engage with the customer through storytelling, questions, and discussion. Don’t just lecture – involve them to keep the interaction more interesting.

What is a Sales Pitch?

A sales pitch is when a salesperson tries to introduce a product or service to potential new or existing customers and convince them to buy it. Another name for a sales pitch is a “sales presentation.” A salesperson briefly shows how a solution could help prospective buyers.

The length and detail of a sales pitch can vary depending on the audience. It may include information about the product, paperwork, diagrams, or other ads.

However, keeping it short is better. One to three minutes is plenty of time to outline the main benefits and catch their interest. Your pitch should also make clear how your product could help people and earn them money.

Importance of Sales Pitch

Whether you like them or not, sales pitches help you not miss out on chances to make sales. When talking to a potential customer, the worst thing is being unsure what to say. Therefore, you must know the importance of sales pitch, such as:

  • They help you understand your thoughts and give you a starting point for any sales discussion.
  • It keeps your company message consistent. Consistency builds trust and stronger, longer customer loyalty.
  • You save time and money because the more times a pitch is reused, the more productive your sales team can be. Reps can work faster if they don’t have to create pitches each time.
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What are the Key Elements of a Good Sales Pitch?

A good sales pitch is very important for transforming your prospects into loyal customers. Here are some of the key elements of a good sales pitch:

Key elements of a Good Sales Pitch

Learn about your customers

It’s essential to understand who will buy your product before your pitch. Find out what problems or needs they have that your product could solve. Think about the types of people who would want it most. 

If you don’t know how they will benefit from it, they won’t want to buy it. Therefore, be ready to point out specifics about your product that help with what your customers want or need. 

Show why you are better

No matter what product you have, someone else probably offers something similar. Point out the main thing that sets your product apart from competitors. Explain how you are better than other choices.

Find your unique benefit or strength. Highlight what really makes you stand out from similar offerings. Making it clear how you can do something better than others gives potential customers a good reason to choose you.

Provide solutions

Clearly explain how your product or service solves problems. Be specific about how it meets customers’ needs. Solutions are vital to include in a sales pitch.

Lay out precisely what your solution is. How does it address issues that customers face? Make sure to illustrate step-by-step how it fixes their difficulties. Customers want to know the answer you provide. If you don’t present the solution, they won’t understand why they should choose you.

Show enthusiasm and feelings

Display how excited and devoted you are to the product. Emotions spread easily, so bring energy to your pitch! If you aren’t passionate about it, why would a customer care?

Let your passion shine through in how you present. Getting animated shows potential buyers how much you believe in what you’re promoting. When people see how pumped you are about it, that enthusiasm can rub off on them, too. That dedication can influence someone still on the fence about a purchase.

Call them to act

Don’t finish your pitch simply with “Thanks.” Work to fully engage people emotionally. Build a strong connection so they feel ready to become buyers right then or want to contact you later.

Your goal is to persuade them to take action. Whether they buy on the spot or want to learn more, get them to commit to their next step before leaving. Seal the deal by specifically inviting them to purchase or setting up a follow-up meeting.

How to Start a Sales Pitch?

Understanding how to start a sales pitch is very important. Remember these tips when you pitch your product to your next potential client. 

Keep it short

Your sales pitch should be short and sweet. It needs to get to the point without any filler or extra words. It should be kept brief, simple, and condensed. Don’t waste time on unnecessary details. Cut out anything that doesn’t directly support your central message.

Use simple language

When building your sales pitch, use clear and simple language that is easy to understand. Carefully pick your words. Organize what you say so it flows well. Put your strongest points first to hook people in, then logically follow with other important information.

Show benefits

Communicate in ways that help customers visualize benefits. Craft your words to seem memorable and intriguing without being salesy. Show how you or your product offers something special. Help listeners imagine qualities like never before, but do it gently through creative language instead of hard sales tactics. 

Master your pitch

Have your outline completely memorized. Practice your material enough that your pitch flows seamlessly. Rehearse your pitch over and over. Get your script memorized down pat. Then, tweak it for each new customer as needed.

Focus on your target audience

Make your sales pitch aimed at a particular target customer or group. Your pitch needs to be focused to leave an impression. Customize it based on who you’ll present to. Creating a general pitch for everyone doesn’t pack as big an impact as one customized for intended listeners.

Use conversational tone

When pitching, use a friendly, casual tone, like you’re just chatting with someone. While professional, don’t be too stiff or proper. Loosen up and connect on a personal level. Be warm, likable, and sincere. Engage with your audience and show your energy/excitement for the topic.

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10 Best Sales Pitch Examples And Templates

Take a look at these 10 different kinds of sales pitch and some of their examples:

Phone Sales Pitch

A phone sales pitch is a conversation you have with potential buyers. Giving a sales pitch on the phone is tougher than in person since you don’t see the person. It’s easier for them to ignore you, too. But you can still make a phone pitch work if you do some things. 

Introduce yourself clearly so they know who’s calling. Tell them why you called; don’t beat around the bush. Ask if they have time to chat real quick before diving in.

Here is an example of a Phone Sales Pitch:

“Hi [name], it’s [your name] from [company].

I looked into [their company] and wanted to ask about [common customer problems].

At [company], we help people with [top benefits]. Does this sound like it could help with [problems]?

If they say yes, Great! Now I want to [next steps like a demo].

If they have doubts, I get it. Would it be okay if I emailed you some info for you to check out later? Then, I can follow up tomorrow to answer any other questions.

If they say to email, Thanks, I’ll send that over and check back in. My email will explain what we do, and I hope we can keep talking.

If they say no more contact, That’s no problem. Thanks for your time anyway. Is there anyone else I should talk to at your company about this?”

Elevator Sales Pitch

An elevator pitch is a short description of yourself and what your business offers. It can be a chance to make a real connection that could help you later. It may not lead to an immediate sale, but you should always be ready to give a short pitch about your business if a chance arises.

Most people have given an elevator pitch before without realizing it. You might do a short pitch in many different situations, like job interviews or new business opportunities. So, preparing what you’ll say is essential for promoting yourself and your company.

Here is an example of an Elevator Sales Pitch:

Introduction: “Hi, my name is [your name], and I’m a [your job title] at [your company]. It’s nice to meet you!”

Problem: “I know your company works in [industry], so I thought maybe you might want to know that [problem] – and the statistic is [statistic].”

Solution: You know that struggle with [problem your company solves]? At [your company name], we’ve found a great way to solve exactly that by [solution in simpler terms].

Unique Value Proposition: And believe it or not, we’re the only ones who offer [value proposition in a benefit-oriented way].

Call to Action: I truly think this could be a game-changer for you. Are you available for a brief chat this week to discuss it further?

Email Sales Pitch

Email sales pitch means sending emails to potential customers. With cold emails, do your homework first. Personalize it by using their name correctly. Compliment recent achievements they achieved. Find problems your product solves. Relate those issues to them specifically.

In the email, keep connecting it back to their needs. Explain clearly how you can help. Don’t hide that it’s a sales pitch, but don’t oversell either. As long as you show true value, they’ll look past that it’s technically selling.

Here is an example of an Email Sales Pitch:

Hi Austin,

My name is Jenna, and I work at XYZ Growth. We help companies increase natural website traffic, also known as organic traffic.

I know you’re busy, so I’ll tell you briefly about the good things we offer and why our clients trust us with their marketing. Our SEO experts always know the latest search engine trends, rules, and best practices, so you don’t have to worry.

We make personalized plans for each company based on their unique needs and goals. We also regularly send you reports and stats to see how your website traffic grows naturally.

If this sounds good, let me know if you want me to explain our services more or set up a meeting.

Talk to you soon,


Voicemail Sales Pitch

A sales voicemail script is pretty straightforward – some sentences written beforehand help a salesperson leave a perfect voicemail message. The goal is to make the message good enough that the person calls you back.

Most phone sales calls don’t go according to plan. 80% percent of sales calls go to voicemail. That’s why you always need a voicemail sales pitch ready if the person you’re trying to sell to doesn’t answer. 

Here is an example of a Voicemail Sales Pitch:

“Hi! My name is Alex, and I work at [your company name]. I’m trying to reach the person in charge of health insurance at your company. 

Can you please have that person call me back at 767-555-2423? I’d like to talk about how we can improve health insurance for the employees where you work. We can collaborate so insurance issues aren’t as confusing or difficult.

I hope the right person calls me back to discuss some options. Thanks, and have a great day!”

Video Sales Pitch

A video sales letter takes the most important parts of any other sales pitch and turns them into a video. They can be used in different ways, such as on websites, special pages for offers on websites, social media, or sent directly to potential customers. 

The significant advantage of doing a video sales letter is that videos allow you to tell an engaging story about your product or service in a way other methods can’t. Adding visuals, narration, and music lets you grab the attention of the person you’re trying to sell to.

A video is the best way to sell a difficult product, and we couldn’t help but include the Squatty Potty example. This is because it solves a problem people don’t know about and isn’t easy to discuss.

In the Squatty Potty video, the video starts with something weird – a unicorn pooping rainbow ice cream! This gets your attention right away.

Then, a funny knight character tells the story. Within 15 seconds, it mentions the problem—not being able to go to the bathroom. It shows more problems that could happen if not fixed.

It introduces the solution—the Squatty Potty—in one minute. Graphics explain how it works and why it helps. Then, it tells where to buy it (CTA). The video is funny, but that’s not why it did so well, selling over $15 million worth. 

It kept you interested with the story while explaining the problem, solution, and reasons to buy it – which is how sales should work. The funny video made explaining all that more fun to watch and pay attention to.

Social Media Sales Pitch

Social media sales pitches are custom messages sent to potential customers on platforms like LinkedIn. This is often called social selling. Regular sales pitches can be more straightforward, just trying to make a deal. 

Social media pitches try to create connections and trust with potential customers by sharing valuable and applicable information. The goal is to get your name out there and drive sales by matching what you offer with what interests and helps the potential customers.

Here is an example of a Social Media Sales Pitch:

“Hi Ashley,

I saw that you and Catherine are connected. She uses our service for her business. Using our tools helped Catherine’s company publish more blog posts. They increased the number of blog posts they make each month by 20%.

I know you manage a blog, too. Our solution could help you and your team share more blog posts each month, just like it did for Christina.

Would you like me to explain how our service works in more detail?

– Lily”

Investor Sales Pitch 

Investor sales pitch means pitching your business to potential investors. You found an investor that might be a good fit and made your first contact. Now it’s time to give your presentation. Hopefully, before the meeting, you have already learned much about the investors and how they work. 

Your job now is to start building a good relationship with them. You should begin by getting on the same page and making a connection. Investors need to feel confident that their money will be handled by people who can handle it. While they learned some things about you when you first reached out, they’ll want to learn more about you during your presentation.

For example, as a business leader, do you have the right qualities, such as determination, motivation, and drive, to succeed and make your investment money?

Take a look at this Investor Sales Pitch example for distinction software:

My name is Tom McKaskill, and I’m the President of Distinction Software. We make software that helps companies manage their supply chain better.

Our product suite helps optimize how companies deal with customer demands, warehouse inventory, shipping, factory production ability, and raw material inventory. 

Our product is one of only a few fully finished and tested supply chain optimization programs worldwide. Companies increasingly demand these programs, and extensive software companies are also interested in making them.

We plan to sell our business to a large global software company. This would give them a product they could start making money with immediately using customers they already have. It would also give them a big advantage over competitors in the future. We estimate selling for about $60 million.

We need $2 million to translate the software into different languages and countries. We must also do more testing with clients and write manuals and training materials to release it worldwide.

Deck Sales Pitch

A sales deck is a PowerPoint or slideshow you use when sharing details about your business or product. The slides help steer people through what you’re trying to say during your sales presentation.

Deck sales pitches are made to look nice so your pitch stands out compared to others. It also gives the person a good experience learning about your product or company. But you don’t need to be a famous artist to design your deck. Websites like Piktochart and Canva let you make good-looking decks for free.

Example of the deck sales pitch:

CallTools Sales Deck from Larry Greller

The sales deck for CallTools shows that you don’t need design skills to make an effective sales presentation. While it uses generic stock photos instead of their own, you could swap them out for photos of your team and products so clients can relate more to your business.

Why does their deck work well? Besides the stock photos, the CallTools presentation is good because it gets its point across to the audience simply and straightforwardly. The sales slides focus on what makes their tool different from others in their industry. 

Highlighting unique features helps the product stand out from the competition. Even without fancy graphics, the deck successfully communicates what matters most – showing why a customer should choose CallTools.

Pain Point Sales Pitch

Finding what problems your potential customers are dealing with is essentially the pain point sales pitch.

Thinking about struggles, annoying problems, and feeling stressed might not be fun. Who wants to keep talking about stuff that’s not working well? It doesn’t sound very fun to keep going over and over everything wrong, right? But if you own a business, started a company, or provide services, pain is actually really important. 

When it comes to what makes people buy from you or say no thanks, their problems are a big factor. Figuring out your potential customers’ issues will help convince them to choose your solution. Addressing their pain points is crucial to making the sale.

Here is a Pain Point Sales Pitch example:

Hi Jane,

I’m calling because our product could help with the problems you mentioned at last month’s trade show. I remember you said your company wastes a lot of time entering orders by hand. It takes forever, and it’s easy to mess up.

Our sales software makes the whole process much easier. With just a few clicks, your sales representatives can add new orders, customer information, and customized invoices. All the information is stored online, so anyone on your team can access it from any device.

It connects with your accounting software, so there’s no more re-entering orders or trying to match everything up later. With us, your numbers will always be right, and you’ll save hours each week.

Doesn’t that sound better than your messy system now? I’d like to do a quick demonstration to show how it works. Let me know if you have 15 minutes free next week for a call. Talking through a real example could help you see how much easier it will make your life!

Hope to hear back from you,

[Your Name]

Follow Up Sales Pitch

You have finished the first step if you have already written and sent sales introduction emails. Now it’s time for the harder part: the sales follow-up email. We call this the harder part because research shows that 80% of sales need atleast five follow ups

So, follow-up emails are really important for people who are just hearing about you for the first time, making them more interested or ready to buy. Most leads must be followed up with a few times before purchasing. The follow-up emails turn cold leads who know nothing about you yet into warmer leads who know more and are closer to purchasing.

Here is a Follow-up Sales Pitch example:

Hello [first name],

I know how important [issue they mentioned] is for your business. Since we talked last week at the [name of event], I want to tell you about the good things about [product name].

[Product name] lets bosses and workers [main good things about the product]!

We hope to work with your company in the future. Please let me know if you want to learn more about [product name].


[Your name]

Sales Pitch Best Practices 

Without the correct practices, a sales pitch is just a boring monologue no one wants to hear. Thus, follow these practices to level up your sales pitch:

Focus on engaging with customers

Your sales pitch should feel like a back-and-forth discussion, not just you talking at people. Customers will usually ask questions, so use this as an opportunity to include them in the conversation.

Pay close attention to what they say instead of just talking non-stop about your product. Then, show precisely how your solution could help with something they brought up. Engaging them keeps them interested.

Share a story to build a connection

Telling an engaging story about your company and product supports your points. It can quickly spark a customer’s interest in learning more.

If you share the story smoothly, you will form a stronger bond with the customer. Customers often relate successful stories to their own lives, which gives them more motivation to purchase.

Ask Open-Ended Questions

Don’t just ask yes or no questions. Ask questions that require more explanation. This helps you get to know the customer better and keeps them involved in your talk. Learning about them enables you to customize what you say.

Asking open questions also makes them think. You can ask how they would use the product or what problems are most important to fix. Getting input from them as you talk builds an interactive discussion, not just a lecture.

Use Positive Body Language

Smile and look at the person when you present. Use your hand gestures to point at your visuals or emphasize key points. Stand facing them so they know you want to include them. These small actions help people trust and pay attention to you.

Others are encouraged to feel the same way when you seem happy and excited. Control your tone, face, and movements to appear friendly and engaged. Confidence shows through nonverbals better than words alone.

Provide Supplemental Materials

Offer extras like brochures, reports, or videos for them to take. This allows them to recall your main points later. Leaving behind details helps buyers decide by themselves later, too. The more people think of your idea independently, the more likely they will consider becoming customers.

Materials with your company’s contact also make it easy to get back in touch. Good extras reinforce the perfect solution is available if they want it. Dual-purpose giveaways work as a resource and a reminder of the options you present.

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Final Thoughts

No one enjoys feeling pressured or tricked during a sales interaction. So, we should forget about thinking of salespeople as super smooth talkers. Instead of seeing potential buyers as targets, consider them individuals to whom you can offer real assistance.

While there are many tactics for pitching someone, the most essential thing is to show your value. Discover the customer’s problems, understand their challenges, and find solutions. If you succeed in helping overcome issues, prospects will view you as a helpful partner rather than just another vendor. Showing you care about customers, not just money, builds trust that results in long-term business partnerships.


How long should a sales pitch be?

The best sales reps should be able to quickly explain what their company does and how it can help customers. Ideally, they can cover the main things about their business and the advantages of working with them in under 1-2 minutes.

How to do a sales pitch in an interview?

To present an effective sales pitch, focus on what makes you different: Your sales presentation should show what makes you or your company special compared to others. Discuss your strengths, talents, and past work and explain how they could help this customer.

How to make a cold call sales pitch?

Follow these steps to make a cold call sales pitch:

  1. Start with your name. If you’re unsure how to start a call with someone you don’t know, say who you are first. 
  2. Be honest about why you called. 
  3. See how they’re doing. 
  4. Tell them the reason you’re contacting them.
  5. Explain why your call matters.
  6. Say you’re glad they answered.
  7. Ask for their assistance.
  8. Thank them for taking the time to speak with you.
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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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