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Is Cold Calling Still Relevant Today? Modern Strategies for Success



Is Cold Calling Still Relevant Today?

Cold calling remains a powerful sales tool, offering a direct, personal way to connect with prospects. 

However, according to the cognism, the average cold call success rate in 2024 is 4.82%, and there is still room for improvement. 

The cold call will evolve in 2024 into a more strategic process, integrating technology like artificial intelligence and data analytics for a more personalized pitch and better prospect identification.

In this article, we’ll discuss how it is still relevant today and the new approaches that are redefining the practice. We will also discuss some useful tips that may help make it more effective. 


  • Despite the rise of digital marketing, cold calling remains a relevant sales technique, especially for B2B companies. 
  • Integration of technology, such as Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems, artificial intelligence (AI), and automated dialing systems, can enhance the efficiency and success rate of cold calling.
  • The most effective strategy combines cold calling with email marketing, social media interaction, and content marketing.
  • Make your script flexible so that you can have smooth conversations that address the prospect’s specific needs and challenges.

Is Cold Calling Dead?

No cold calling is not dead. Despite being a traditional sales technique, cold calling offers a direct and personal touch. This is true because many researches have shown that people still prefer to be contacted by phone. So with this, we can say that cold call is not dead. With new innovations like CRM tools and automation, salespeople can now easily reach out to potential customers. 

However, as compared to other sales planning, cold calling has a lower success rate however, with the right modern techniques and technologies, the success rate is just 4.8%. Thus, even though the market is shifting toward more self-service sales, B2B sales still rely on cold prospecting. Thus, we can say that cold calling is here to stay. 

How Effective Is Cold Calling Today?

Nowadays, cold calling is becoming less common. However, the salesperson can connect with potential clients through email and social media. Right?

But having said that, it really depends on who you’re marketing to. This includes the client who is actually making the purchases or the unhappy person who is tweeting about a salesperson contacting them at unofficial hours. 

Indeed, with the high level of commercials and marketing campaigns, cold calling can be as effective now as it has ever been. Studies reveal that a majority of B2B executives at the C- and VP levels—57 percent—prefer to be contacted via phone. So, making cold calls is not going away. Nevertheless, there are some aspects or skills that cannot be substituted by automation, including artificial intelligence. 

Notably, cold calling has an average conversion rate of around 2-3%. Now and then, through this, businessmen manage to begin with cold calls and end up with billion-dollar businesses.

5 Powerful tips to make Cold Calling effective

Nowadays, the outcomes of cold calling can be more positive thanks to the strategies that have evolved from traditional sales techniques into more effective and targeted approaches.

Powerful tips to make Cold Calling effective

That said, here are some 5 significant tips that can be combined with modern cold-calling success tactics to produce an entire and effective strategy that increases your chances of building lasting relationships with potential clients. 

1. Research Your leads

In order to approach each instance effectively, it is important to research the lead in your contact list thoroughly. By doing so, you can align your approach according to your customer specific interests and needs. As a result, you can make them feel valued and they are more likely to listen to you and then buy from you. 

If you’re selling a product or service to your prospect’s company, you should also research their role. If you’re reaching out to businesses, find out what their company does, what industry they’re in, and if you’ve got any mutual connections.

In any case, making a personal connection with every type of lead will enrich the dialogue and help you close more deals.

2. Stay Up-To-Date With Current Trends

As of now, any person who keeps themselves up to date according to trends can achieve their goals. This includes new legislation or other developments in your prospect’s industry. By using different strategies, you can keep yourself updated. Some of these include following Google, subscribing to popular industry magazines, and following leading digital blogs.

By doing so, you can actively stay on the current trends and practice proficiency. As a result, you can identify new opportunities and enhance adaptability in the job market. 

For example, you work for a company that develops and sells Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software. As a result of your research, you have detected that more and more organizations are shifting towards utilizing business intelligence and individualized approaches to clients. This assists you in establishing your authority with the prospects and also assists in boosting your likelihood of success in prospecting and converting clients through cold calls.

3. Create A Script

There are many cases where agents seem to be caught off-guard while having cold calls. So, to avoid such circumstances, you need to think of a script that will catch the prospect’s attention in 30 seconds or less when crafting your cold call script. However, remember that a script should be used as a guide rather than being read in its entirety.

When creating a cold calling sales script, always consider incorporating items such as something you both like or something you know. When you have your prospect’s interest, you can get going to give a professional recommendation on how the client can benefit from your service or product.

Here’s an example, “Hi there, this is Stephany Heinzberg from Codavatar company. I noticed that your company recently launched a new website, and I wanted to reach out because we specialize in optimizing website performance. Are you the right person to discuss this with?”

4. Create & Calculate Your Quota

Make sure you know your quota. To keep track of cold calls, you can use a spreadsheet. Also, keep track of how long it takes to reach out and convert a lead into a warm lead. As you make cold calls toward your quota, the less time it takes, the more you can accomplish.

For example, If your sales target is $50,000 and your estimated conversion rate is 5%, then:

Number of calls needed = Sales target / Conversion rate.

Based on this, $50,000 / 0.05 = 1,000 calls

So, you would need to make approximately 1,000 cold calls to reach your sales target of $50,000.

5. Use A Local Number

When contacting people on your list, consider using a local phone number if you are an independent contractor or work from a sales call center. It is more likely that someone will answer your call if you use a local number.  Remarkably, according to the softwareadvice only 7% people are likely to pick up a call from an unknown number. This simply means that you need to have a local number to gain the trust of your lead.

Get a Area Speficic Local Phone Number Online.

Get localized phone number and connect more effectively with locals clients.

Select numbers :

For example, if you are calling a business in Chicago, use a local number with a Chicago area code, such as 312 or 773. It simple adjustment helps you to make significant improvements in your cold-calling success rates. 

Challenges of Cold Calling in Today’s World

There are many challenges associated with cold calling, including low connection rates and obstacles that prevent contact directly with decision-makers. In addition to these challenges, some of the others include

  • Intrusiveness: When a brand or company receives unsolicited calls, it may be perceived as intrusive and disruptive.
  • Rejection and Disinterest: Dealing with rejection is one of the toughest challenges in sales. Yet, another challenge is working with prospects who are uninterested or unwilling to hear what you have to say.
  • Do-Not-Call Lists: It is not always possible to call legally due to regulatory restrictions and do-not-call lists. As a result of this, it can reduce the number of leads available.
  • Limited Time: In any given pitch, the sales professional has only a short amount of time to convince the audience. So, if it is your first time having a cold call, it can be difficult to grab their attention. 
  • Changing Communication Habits: Nowadays, many people prefer to use emails, social media, or text messages over phone calls. So, as an outcome, these changing habits may make cold calling ineffective.

Strategies To Overcome Cold Calling Challenges

It can be very stressful to make a cold call. However, there are multiple sales call planning if it is done right, it is one of the most effective ways to reach potential clients. Therefore, you can change cold calls into appropriate conversations.

To do this, here are some strategies using which you can increase your chances of success while fostering the beginning of a sound business partnership.

  • Create A Winning Lead Generation Process: When developing a process for finding and generating qualified leads, try to include outreach and specific messages. You can also adjust the process as you receive feedback or observe outcomes to enhance lead generation outcomes.
  • Craft A Compelling Script: Design a script that will grab your customer’s attention immediately. So, to do this, focus on the most important benefits, and encourage engagement. Also, keep the script conversational and brief and communicate with the prospects according to their needs and issues.
  • Be as prepared as possible: Before making any phone calls, you should do extensive research on prospects to learn about their business, problems, and objections. Be ready for often-asked questions and objections during the conversation to establish credibility and give a strong response.
  • Train To Handle Objections And Avoid Rejection: You can prepare responses to common objections while steering the conversation back to the value proposition. Moreover, you can learn how to take rejection and view it positively by seeing it as a way to gain new knowledge to grow from it.
  • Understand The Rare Worst-Case Scenarios: It is important to note that during the call, you may come across with rude customer or experience some connection issues.  So, learn how to plan for the behavioral strategies you are likely to use when handling difficult situations so that you can be in charge.
  • Set Realistic Targets That Focus On Activities: Identify measurable goals for your business based on the number of calls made, appointments scheduled, or conversions gained. To stay motivated and track progress, break larger goals down into smaller, actionable steps.
  • Use Technology To Track What Works: To identify successful strategies, utilize CRM integration systems and call tracking tools. Additionally, try to utilize technology to its fullest potential in order to automate repetitive jobs, optimize workflows, and obtain data for further cold calls.

Future of Cold Calling: What to Expect?

It can be said that the future of cold calling still looks bright, as many Chief Sales Officers (CSOs) still believe in its effectiveness and are either considering or already investing in specialized sales development teams. Also, it is becoming more data-driven, which allows it to target more prospects and provide personalized services. 

CRM systems also make cold calling easier by providing salespeople with detailed insights into customer interactions. Furthermore, with the use of proper data-driven strategies, real-time analysis, feedback loops, and constant improvement of methods, cold calling becomes more efficient. 

As for a statement, the defines the future of cold-calling it can be said that, the fundamentals of cold-calling may remain the same, however, how it is done will surely vary in reaction to new developments in technology as well as changes in consumer behavior.


Cold calling remains one of the most challenging tasks for sales reps. Even the best sales agents struggle sometimes, no matter how good they are. However, they can achieve success if they are willing to put in the effort, confront rejection head-on, master their product knowledge, prepare meticulously, and stay calm.

Therefore, sales representative need to adapt and improvise their approach. They can overcome hurdles if they embrace the modern challenges and use proper strategies & tips to tackle them. They just don’t be afraid to leverage their expertise.

All they need to do is make cold calls more personal with a personalized touch. Cold calling can be done using resilience to your advantage. Cold calling is challenging, but with knowledge, determination, and a modern touch, you can conquer it.


Is cold calling better than cold emailing?

Cold calling and cold emailing strategies have their own benefits. Cold calling is more personal as the salesperson can see the response and conduct a conversation instantly and this creates an opportunity to build rapport and overcome objections. 

Cold emailing, on the other hand, can cover a large audience in a short time, is not so personal, and allows the prospect to respond to the mail at his or her own time.

What is the future of cold calling?

Calls are becoming more efficient and relevant thanks to AI and machine learning, which is also improving lead creation and personalization. CRM solutions streamline the procedure and offer insightful information about client contacts, while data-driven tactics enable ongoing development. As these technologies advance, cold calling will continue to be relevant in the sales industry by becoming increasingly more efficient and focused.

What is the average conversion rate of cold calling?

Average conversion rates often fall between 1% and 3%. Certain industries record conversion rates as high as 10% or higher when well-researched leads, strong scripts, and knowledgeable salespeople are used. However, the sector, target market, and call quality can all significantly impact the average cold-calling conversion rate.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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