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How to End a Phone Call Smoothly and Politely?



How To End a Phone Call Smoothly and Politely

Have you ever been stuck in a situation where you have to attend another meeting but are on an ongoing call with someone and don’t know how to end the call smoothly and politely?

If so, don’t worry; we have a perfect answer so you can handle and end the call smoothly. 

Do you know 89% of customers have stopped doing business with a company after encountering poor customer service?

Hence, ending a phone call politely and smoothly is one of the ways to attract customers and enhance customer service. 

In this blog, you’ll learn the importance of ending a phone call professionally and politely, the steps to end a phone call, and examples for ending a phone call that works for all scenarios. 

Let’s get started 👇

🔑 Key Summary

  • Your communication style and handling of customer inquiries are crucial to a business’s success.
  • Ending a call politely and smoothly strengthens relationships, projects professionalism, and ensures clarity.
  • You can acknowledge the Conversation Flow to take an ongoing call to an end.
  • To end an ongoing call, you must be professional, create an agenda, and ensure agenda items are complete.

Why Is It Important to End a Phone Call Professionally & Politely?

Ending a phone call professionally and politely is crucial for various reasons, whether it be a professional or personal phone call. Some of the key benefits of ending a phone call professionally and politely are: 

Why Is It Important To End A Phone Call Professionally and Politely

1. Strengthens Relationships

A professional and courteous conclusion builds respect and recognition of the other person’s time. A good call time for both of you firmly convinces them they are fond of you and lays a solid groundwork for future interactions.

You must think twice before cutting a call without warning. Otherwise, it may sound rude, and the other party may not be willing to communicate with you again.

2. Projects Professionalism

You will be presented on business calls, probably as a corporate representative. An abrupt or disrespectful ending can negatively affect your reputation and business relationships. 

At the end of the call, immediately note your professionalism with an appropriate message that leaves an excellent impression.

3. Ensures Clarity and Next Steps

A well-constructed professional decision, which will be the closing part of the discussion, will help you arrange the key points accordingly. This ensures that all team members know the topic and do not have opportunities to disagree.

Moreover, it allows you to provide the steps to follow up, eliminating any chances of misinterpretations and ensuring clarity in the communication process.

4. Increase Efficiency

A professional ending helps to end the call systematically, which takes you back to the topic without coming back and forth. This is a critical element of the discussion since you and the other person probably have tight schedules.

You must also be aware of limited periods of time, and using it to do the tasks most efficiently is beneficial for everyone and helps save time.

📖Also Read: Proper Way to Answer a Business Phone Like a Professional

How to Move from The Body Of a Phone Call To The End Of A Call?

The communication process is good if there are specific modes to signal the smooth path to the end of the call. Here’s how to move kindly from the body of the call to its conclusion:

1. Acknowledge the Conversation Flow

You can focus on the conversation’s natural turn and smoothness in breaking speech or when the subject seems finished. Now, starting the conclusion and ending the call is the sign. 

Likewise, to wrap up the session, you can ask questions like, “Do you have any other questions that we need to prepare for today?” and “Did we manage to cover everything by now?”

2. Express Appreciation and Summarize

You can finish your talk with the customer by thanking the person who engaged with you for their time and perspective. When essential calls are made, explain the focus points or actions discussed.

This makes people confident that they are all on the same page and thus removes any chance of misinterpretation. Expressions like “Thank you a lot for your suggestions” or “As was stated, essential points were brought into focus” are more suitable.

How To End A Phone Call?

There are specific ways to end a phone call so that your customers won’t get angry or dissatisfied with you after having a conversation. Some of the steps are:

1. Be Professional

When you hang up the phone, you should always be mindful of your tone and manner of speech, even when limiting the discussion time. You should not let the customer’s mood get the best of you; never sound abrupt and abusive when replying. You should reply with calm and respect.

For example, you can say, “It was great speaking to you, sir/ma’am.”

2. Create an Agenda

Preparing an agenda for scheduled business meetings and sending it to participants is advisable. This will also inform everyone of the agenda of the discussion and ensure that the meeting is conducted systematically. Finally, be sure to allow time for questions; if there are none, the call can be successfully concluded at this point.

For example, “We’ve completed our agenda, which is all I have today. Is there anything else you’d like to discuss while we’re together?”

3. Ensure Agenda Items Are Complete

Being a frontline representative, you’re the one who’s conversing with your customers to clarify their queries and may even propose your company to possible prospects. Likewise, when talking to a client, you must clear all his/her doubts. Otherwise, you might miss out on that opportunity, and closing a deal may be too late.

For example, you can always ask, “Is there anything else I can assist you with?”

4. Thank The Caller For Their Time

You must respect everyone’s time, and when you are about to end the call after spending some quality time with your client discussing the agendas, you can politely thank the client for their valuable time in this meeting.

For Example, You can say, “Thank you for calling today. I appreciate your time and look forward to our following conversation.”

5. Avoid Overloading With Information

Lengthy meetings that discuss various projects or problems have always led to information overload and loss of focus. Attention drops and people start losing concentration after one hour of listening, so you should always limit it to a single topic when organizing a meeting.

For example, “We had a productive meeting! I’ve already discussed a lot of information today, so let’s save the rest for our next call.”

6. Know When To Interrupt

Some people are natural storytellers and can be conversationalists for hours. This means someone’s work day is interfered with at an unpleasant moment. However, interrupting a customer’s talk during a call may be associated with difficulty; however, if done gently, it appears necessary in a particular condition.

For example, “I hate to interrupt, but I have another appointment in a few minutes, and I want to ensure I’ve responded to all of your inquiries before I go.” 

7. Use Pauses To Your Advantage

Instead of constantly interrupting a call, use natural pauses or conversation flows to end the call. These interruptions are often made when a topic shifts, a question is being answered, or a subject is being reconsidered.

For example, you can say, “Thank you for calling today. I will let you carry on your day if you have no further questions.”

8. Set Clear Expectations For The Following Steps

Although you do not want to be the cause of unanswered thoughts or questions, you could go with the flow and let the communication flow. In case of follow-up, mention when you will reach the caller. In this case, you might want to guide them to an online form where they can express their opinions if they have any after the talk.

For example, you can end the call by saying,” Thank you for your time today. Please email me if you have any additional questions or need anything before our next call.”

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Examples For Ending A Phone Call That Works For All Scenarios

Some of the examples for ending a phone call that can be used in all scenarios are described below:

1. Rephrase The Last Thing They Said

To conclude the call, you can say the same thing they said before, which makes the caller understand that you are listening and paying attention to what the client said. Likewise, this clever technique for ending phone calls could be used in many scenarios.

2. Bring Up Future Plans

You two might have covered up some stuff during the meeting. After that, tell each other what you will do on the weekend, letting the other person know the end of the call and feel acknowledged personally. 

3. Schedule Your Next Call

Whereas you are having multiple meetings with this caller, scheduling the next call would be another option for ending the call with a forward-looking attitude.

4. Provide A Time Length For The Call

When having a conversation with a client, you can give a deadline for the call, which is the most gentle way of letting them know that your time is coming to an end in a few minutes.

5. Excuse Yourself For Your Next Engagement

If you have other things to do with another client or even other calls, you can tell the caller that you have to end the call to be on time with your next client.

Wrapping Up!

You must end a call after starting it, and the best way to do so is to be calm and polite to the caller. When you end a call being polite, your caller might be interested in having a follow-up conversation in the near future that strengthens relationships and displays your project’s professionalism.

Similarly, to make a call with your customer or client, you can use KrispCall as your business phone partner, which provides you with advanced features at an affordable price range. Likewise, if you are new, you can book a free demo of KrispCall and select a plan that fits your business needs.


How do I politely end a call when I’m in a hurry?

To end a call politely when you are in a hurry, the main thing to do is stand to remain balanced. You must recognize the organizational priorities, schedule the meeting in advance, and quickly cover the main points.

Similarly, you can indicate your willingness to continue the conversation by indicating when you can reach out again via email or phone or in a preferable way. In this case, it is polite of you to end the call efficiently yet respectfully.

What should I do if the other person doesn’t seem to want to end the call?

If the other person does not seem to want to end the call, you can continue talking politely, express your time limits, and provide reassurance. 

“For example, you can say, “Wow, this conversation has been fantastic! Unfortunately, I am swamped and have another task that needs to be done within a specific timeframe.  Let’s reconsider this soon; how about a follow-up call at the next available time?

What to say after ending a call?

Nothing much will be left to say after you disconnect a call because, at that point, the conversation ends. So, once you hang up, that is the end of the conversation. Nevertheless, there might be a follow-up action you may like to take if the situation requires it.

How to leave a call without being rude?

Here’s how to leave a call without being rude:

  • Acknowledge the time.

“Wow, look at the time!” or “It seems like our call flew by!” demonstrates that you know the need to wrap up.

  • Show appreciation:

“Thank you so much for your time.” This demonstrates respect for their contribution.

How to end a call professionally?

To end a call professionally, you can use the following

  • Use a courteous closing: “It was a pleasure speaking with you.”
  • Signal the end clearly: “Alright, well, I have to jump off now, but thank you again for your time.” This avoids any awkwardness.
  • Offer a closing salutation: “Talk to you soon!” or “Have a great rest of your day.”
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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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