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How Can Your Contact Center Be a Revenue Generator?




Does your contact center merely serve as a cost center?  Struggling with high operating costs and low customer engagement? 

Think again! 🤔 Many businesses view their contact centers as just overhead, grappling with high costs and customer complaints. 

Transform your contact center into a revenue generator! In this article, you’ll explore how can your contact center be a revenue generator center by focusing on upselling, cross-selling, and improving customer satisfaction.

 🔑 Key points

  • Train agents to identify sales opportunities during customer interactions, boosting satisfaction and revenue.
  • Utilize advanced technology like AI to automate tasks and provide actionable insights, enhancing the customer experience and revenue.
  • Inadequately trained agents can struggle to resolve issues efficiently, upsell, or handle difficult customer interactions, all of which can impact revenue.

5 Strategies to Transform Your Contact Center into a Revenue Generator

To transform your contact center into a revenue generator, consider implementing these five strategic approaches:

1. Implement a Sales Through Service Strategy

This strategy revolves around the idea that every customer interaction is an opportunity to solve problems and increase sales. This requires training agents to subtly shift from a service-only mindset to one where they can identify opportunities to recommend additional products or services that can benefit the customer. 

For example, if a customer calls to upgrade their phone plan, the agent might suggest a bundled package that includes a new phone at a discount, enhancing customer satisfaction and increasing revenue.

Example: A customer’s extended warranty on a laptop is about to expire. The agent proactively calls them with a renewal plan at a discounted rate.

2. Improve the Agent Experience

The performance of contact center agents is directly linked to their work environment and the tools they have at their disposal. Agents can be more engaged and motivated by improving the agent experience through better training programs, supportive management practices, ergonomic workstations, and effective communication tools. 

A positive work environment reduces turnover, which is costly, and improves the quality of customer interactions, potentially leading to higher customer satisfaction and increased sales.

Example: Provide agents with the tools and resources they need to resolve customer issues efficiently. This reduces frustration and increases customer satisfaction, leading to repeat business and potential upsell opportunities in the future. Customers who feel valued and their problem is solved quickly are more likely to return for future purchases.

Example: Offer competitive compensation and benefits packages, along with opportunities for career development. This reduces the cost of constant recruitment and training, and ensures a stable, experienced workforce adept at identifying sales opportunities. High agent turnover disrupts continuity and reduces the effectiveness of sales efforts.

3. Continous Training and Development

Investing in ongoing training and development programs to empower your agents with the skills and knowledge needed to drive revenue. Provide regular coaching sessions to enhance their communication, negotiation, and sales skills.

Encourage a culture of continuous learning and innovation, where agents are encouraged to share best practices and experiment with new approaches to improve performance and achieve revenue targets.

Example: Agents are trained on using a knowledge base with clear instructions for common customer tasks. This empowers them to guide customers efficiently, reducing time spent and potentially leading to a higher chance of completing a desired action (e.g., online purchase).

Example: Agents are trained on recognizing upselling opportunities during troubleshooting calls. This equips them to suggest complementary products (e.g., extended warranties) while resolving the customer’s primary issue, potentially increasing revenue.

4. Align Contact Center with Sales and Marketing

The marketing, sales, and contact center departments frequently work separately. By coordinating them, a business can ensure that all these teams work toward the same objectives.

Example: marketing can inform the contact center about current promotions, and contact center agents can provide feedback to marketing about customer reactions to these promotions. Sales teams can also use insights from customer interactions to refine their strategies and tailor their approaches according to what works best with the target audience.

Example: A customer calls about a product they recently purchased based on a marketing campaign. The agent, having access to campaign details, can suggest complementary products the customer might be interested in based on their initial purchase.

5. Invest in Contact Center Technology

Advanced technologies can transform a contact center’s operations and significantly enhance its revenue-generating capabilities. Artificial intelligence and machine learning can predict customer behavior, automate routine tasks, and suggest next-best actions to agents during live interactions.

These tools ensure that customers can interact with the company through phone, email, social media or live chat without any interruption, which reduces costs and helps to generate revenue.

Example: An AI-powered chatbot handles initial contact with a customer who wants to upgrade their internet plan. The chatbot gathers information, determines their needs, and qualifies them as a potential lead for a higher-tier plan. It then seamlessly transfers the qualified lead to a live agent who can complete the sale.

Example: A customer calls with a question about troubleshooting a common software issue. An IVR system guides them through a step-by-step solution using pre-recorded messages. If the issue persists, the system seamlessly transfers them to a live agent who can potentially upsell a premium support plan during the interaction.

Ways to Increase Revenue Through Your Contact Center

There are several strategies you can implement to turn your contact center into a revenue-generating machine:

Train and Coach Agents Specifically for Sales Roles

Provide specialized training to agents focusing on sales techniques, such as identifying opportunities, upselling, and cross-selling. Training should be continuous and adapt to changing market conditions and customer behaviors.

Offer ongoing coaching and feedback tailored to sales-related interactions to improve agent performance and confidence in sales situations. This tailored coaching should focus specifically on enhancing sales techniques and overcoming customer objections.

Automate QA and Call Listening so You Can Spend More Time Coaching

Contact center managers often conduct quality assurance (QA) by evaluating a limited subset of calls. Their primary objective is to detect issues and pinpoint underperforming agents, ensuring compliance with performance targets.

However, this approach can lead to an incomplete assessment of agent performance, focusing dominantly on identifying problems rather than actively addressing them. Additionally, the extensive time spent listening to and scoring calls can be resource-intensive.

With automation handling routine monitoring, supervisors and managers can redirect their focus towards more value-added activities, such as personalized agent coaching and strategic improvements, directly contributing to better sales outcomes.

Learn From Your Best Agent to Elevate Call Scripts

Regularly analyze the calls of the best agents to understand what makes them successful. Look for patterns in how they handle objections, the languages and tones they use, and how they build rapport with customers.

Integrate these successful elements into the standard call scripts used by all agents. This can help standardize best practices across your team. Elevating the overall quality of interactions and potentially increasing sales.

Prioritize Follow-on Missed Sales Calls

Develop a systematic method for reconnecting with customers who initially showed interest but did not complete a purchase. This might include scheduled callbacks or emails that re-engage the customer.

Not all missed calls are equally important for business, and following up on all missed calls is not possible. However, follow-ups can be an opportunity to address any unresolved questions or concerns that the customer can have, thereby increasing the likelihood of conversion.

Empower Your Agents To Provide Better Customer Experiences

Provide agents with access to comprehensive customer databases, high-quality CRM systems, and real-time decision-making authority to offer discounts or promotions as needed during calls.

Encourage agents to focus on the quality of interactions, treating each customer as an individual and striving to meet their specific needs. A satisfied customer is more likely to make a purchase and become a repeat customer.

Common Issues Impacting Contact Center Revenue Generation

Contact centers can be a goldmine for revenue generation, but several issues can hold them back. Here are some of the most common issues are:

High Turnover Rates

High turnover rates in contact centers can lead to a loss of experienced staff and an increase in recruitment and training costs. Continuously having to train new employees can also affect the overall quality of service and the ability to sell effectively.

Inaccurate or Biased Feedback

Feedback from managers that lacks objectivity or constructive criticism can demotivate agents, affecting their performance and customer satisfaction and ultimately impacting revenue generation.

Lack of Continuous Training

A lack of continuous training for agents results in skill gaps, reduced performance quality, increased handle times, and diminished customer experiences, all of which can affect revenue generation.

Inefficient Call Handling Practices

Inefficient call-handling practices, such as extended hold times, frequent transfers, and inadequate issue resolution, can lead to customer frustration. Consequently, this can result in increased abandonment rates and diminished customer loyalty, ultimately adversely impacting contact center revenue.

Outdated or Incompatible Technology

Outdated or unreliable technology can severely limit the effectiveness of a contact center resulting in delays, system downtime, inefficiencies in call routing and data management, decreased agent productivity and customer satisfaction, and a reduction in revenue generation.

How KrispCall Can Help to Increase & Save Contact Center Revenue 

KrispCall is a cloud-based telephone system that offers a wide range of contact center features, 24/7 human support, customizability, scalability, live call monitoring, and call recording.

KrispCall can help increase and save contact revenue. 

CRM Integrations

Integrating KrispCall with an existing Customer Relationship Management (CRM) agent allows them to manage all communication through a single interface, reducing the time and effort spent switching between tools and platforms. This will increase efficiency and allow agents to handle more calls or interactions by saving time and cost.

Increatives and Goals

KrispCall ensures that communication meets the regulatory requirements relevant to various industries, particularly in terms of data security and privacy. This adherence builds customer trust, protects against potential legal issues, and motivates agents to work without stress to achieve their objectives and goals.

Advance Call Routing

KrispCall’s intelligent call routing directs calls to the appropriate agents based on skills, availability, or workload, ensuring that customer inquiries are handled more effectively and quickly.

Increased Sales Opportunities

KrispCall’s 24/7 live support helps businesses appear more and improve customer experience, potentially leading to more sales by allowing the contact center to handle more calls and close more deals.

By implementing the above strategies, your contact center can become a valuable asset in driving revenue growth. Successful revenue generation goes hand in hand with a positive customer experience. Focus on empowering your agents, effectively leveraging technology, and prioritizing customer value.


The contact center plays a vital role in supporting customers and dealing with everyday issues, but it can also be a hidden revenue generator. 

Contact centers can resolve customer issues by implementing a sales-through-service strategy and identify upselling and cross-selling opportunities. Enhancing the agent experience through continuous training and integrating advanced technologies like AI and CTI can significantly boost agent productivity and satisfaction, improving customer interactions and revenue potential.

KrispCall facilitates efficient communication handling and data security, which is crucial for maintaining customer trust and meeting regulatory standards.

Try KrispCall to increase and save your revenue at affordable pricing.


Can a contact center actually generate revenue, or is it just a cost center?

Traditionally, contact centers have been seen as cost centers, primarily focused on providing customer service and resolving issues. However, with the right shift, it can be transformed into a revenue generator.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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