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Essential Empathy Statements for Customer Service To Create Positive Impression



Essential Empathy Statements for Customer Service

Are you experiencing poor interactions and dealing with unhappy customers? 😕

You don’t need to worry as it is time to enhance your positive influence. Get ready to amplify your impactful impression⭐

In the fast-paced world of customer service, every interaction counts. But what sets exceptional service apart from the rest? It’s often the simple act of empathy.

Here in this blog,  you will discover 10 essential empathy statements to create a positive customer experience 💬

🔑 Key Features

  • Empathy statements allow clients to talk freely about their priorities and necessities.
  • some of the  Impactful Statements to Win customer loyalty are acknowledging the Issue, expressing understanding, offering Support, apologizing, and showing appreciation
  • There are lots of benefits of using empathy statements for customers few of them are Building trust in each customer, resolving issues effectively, Increasing customer satisfaction, validating customer perspective, and many more.
  • Some of the tips to use empathy statements are don’t take it personally, pay attention to Your own biases, active Listening, putting off judgment, follow up, practice empathy consistently

What are empathy statements for customers?

Empathy statements for customer service refer to the expressions used by customer service representatives to convey gratitude and understanding towards customers experiencing challenges or expressing dissatisfaction. 

These statements demonstrate compassion, support, and acknowledgment of customer satisfaction aiming to encourage a positive interaction and enhance the overall customer experience.

When a kid’s recently purchased items fall in the supermarket, being a salesperson how would you react during the situation?

When a kid’s recently purchased items fall in the supermarket, being a salesperson how would you react during the situation?

Good Example:

“Excuse me, I saw that your youngster dropped a few things. Do you need help getting them picked up?”

Bad Example:

“Your child used those things and made a mess. You ought to keep a closer eye on them.”

What are the benefits of using empathy statements for customers?

Empathy statements allow clients to talk freely about their priorities and necessities, helping businesses deal with challenges while improving their products and services appropriately.

The research from the Center for creative leadership discovered a positive correlation between managers’ work effectiveness and compassionate leadership.

  • Build trust in each customer: One of the best ways to strengthen customer relationships is to build trust in each customer. Maintaining trustworthy connections with clients is fundamental to a brand’s success.
  • Resolves issues effectively: Customers are more likely to give precise and accurate information about their issues when they are understood and heard. This makes it easier for customer support teams to identify the underlying cause and take steps to fix it. Example: we are sorry that you have to face this
  • Increase customer satisfaction: It is more likely that customers will express customers issue with clarity when they feel that their needs are acknowledged and understood through empathy statements. This makes it easy for staff to accurately pinpoint and address the problem’s core cause.
  • Validate customer perspective:  Validating customer perspective makes them feel appreciated and valued and increases customer loyalty and trust.
  • Enhance Brand Reputation: Customer experiences and their appreciation towards what is offered enhance Brand reputation and brand value. As it helps in positive perception of the brand and to favorable word-of-mouth referrals and enhanced reputation.
  • Increase customer satisfaction: When customer support teams employ positive empathy statements, they acknowledge and address the concerns of even angry customers with understanding and compassion.

10 Universal Impactful Empathy Statements to Win Customers

Here’s a list of empathy statements that you can use to calm a variety of difficult scenarios towards furious or concerned clients or people who just experienced an unpleasant incident.

1. Acknowledging the Issue

Creating trust involves empathy addressing the problem and knowing how the client feels. Also responding with empathy and genuineness shows that you are dedicated to finding solutions and making sure they are satisfied.

Positive customer relationships are fostered by universally powerful comments that effectively meet needs and express compassion. Accepting these answers enables one to overcome obstacles without grace and win the respect and confidence of clients.

“I know how difficult this scenario is for you!”

‘I am disappointed that you have to deal with this problem”

“We are truly sorry for any issues you’ve experienced, and we promise you to prioritize your well-being first. “

“We appreciate you for your patience as we take time to address the issue”

In this way, acknowledging the issue with politeness and empathy can make a difference in customer service and satisfaction

2. Expressing understanding

Understanding compassion is essential in a wide range of scenarios such as great customer service, friend consolation, dispute resolution, and so on. It involves compassionately understanding others’ points of view. 

As well as calming clients when customer issues occur or staying by buddies during difficult circumstances strengthens relationships, nurtures trust, and enables better resolution of conflicts.

In this context, you can use customer empathy statements like :

“You might have a valid reason for feeling that way

“You look like you’ve experienced a lot”

By expressing understanding to the customer, your brand name can impact them positively with a positive attitude

3. Offering Support

Providing genuine help to customers to comfort them as their issues are being addressed and handled. No matter whether they are having trouble with a product or are just looking for advice.

Businesses can show their dedication to customer satisfaction and eventually win over their clientele by offering prompt answers and displaying a readiness to assist.

In this context, you can use customer empathy statements like 

“Together, let’s try to solve this”

” I will assist you in fixing this”

Using these statements can positively change customer’s perspective and enhance their overall experience with the business.

4. Apologizing

While you sell any product or service sometimes there can be errors that may cause dissatisfaction to the customers. This delicate situation should be managed carefully.

You can craft an apology message. In that case, you can prioritize restoring the loss value and how you acknowledge responsibility. Furthermore, make sure that you describe the problem and how the issue can be fixed. If you are dealing with customers that have less time you can use positive empathy statements like 🙂

I truly regret any inconvenience this has given you. We are dedicated to resolving your concerns as soon as possible as we understand how important it is for you to do so”

“I apologize for any inconvenience this situation has caused you, I can help you to get out of this

“I am sorry for bringing you into this, our team will support you so that you can get the new product.

By making good empathy statements, you’ll reassure customers regarding your dedication to addressing their issues and show them that you are sincere in addressing their concerns. This will increase customer satisfaction and brand loyalty.

5. Showing Appreciation

When you include expressions of gratitude in your interactions with your clients, this benefits satisfying and pleasant experiences that increase customer support and loyalty. Using empathy statements that show appreciation impresses customers.

On that basis, you can use the statements like

“We appreciate you informing us regarding this”

“We appreciate your patience until we resolve this”

“I am so thankful that you made us aware about the problem, we will soon fix it and rid out of it”

Appreciating their contribution, even in a brief ‘thank you’ or a sincere message of gratitude can make them feel appreciated and valued.

6. Empathizing with Frustration

Empathizing customers with frustration whether customer situations are about facing technical issues, delays in service or other challenges,  validates their feelings and shows your understanding towards their experience.

You can use empathy statements as mentioned below

Example: If you’re looking to call someone in Cape Town, South Africa, with a landline phone number 124-0567, then the dialing format would look like 011 27 21 124-0567

Customers feel better comfortable understanding that their complaints have been heard and taken seriously whenever empathy statements like the ones mentioned above are used. 

7. Offering Assurance

Offering assurance demonstrates your commitment to customers’ situation and well-being when they are dealing with a complex issue and facing an unexpected challenge or simply seeking reassurance.

It involves responding quickly to quickly and successfully resolve problems. Businesses can exhibit a dedication to customer fulfillment and loyalty via the use of preventative measures or ongoing assistance.

Here are a few statements that fit on offering assurance

“I’ll work with our team here to resolve this.”

“I know you’ve been through a tough moment Don’t” worry we are here to assist you”

“Don’t worry, I’m here to help you get through it now.”

After you know the customer feedback, using offering assurance statements can help businesses build strong customer relations that improve satisfaction levels and ultimately drive long-term success

8. Providing Reassurance

Make sure that you appropriately use reassurance statements when there is a problem with a product, a delay in service, or safety concerns.  Reassurance statements help customers feel better and increase more trust in your service.

You can use the following statements to provide reassurance to make customers feel their issue is taken.

“We are here to support you; you aren’t alone in this.”

“We’ll see to it that every detail goes smoothly on our end.”

“I appreciate you telling me that. You may be confident that we’ll put in a lot of effort to resolve your issues and guarantee your happiness.

Reassurance statements highlight the accuracy of a product or service to reduce customers’ doubts about the quality or performance.

9. Validating Feelings

When the customers experience respect, worth, and listed it builds a beneficial relationship that extends beyond financial transactions and provides a foundation for enduring loyalty and cooperation.

whenever you get feedback from customers whether it is positive feedback or negative feedback you should let them feel that you are validating their feelings.

Here are a few statements that you can use to validate customers’ feelings:

“The feelings you have are fairly valid.”

“I understand why you’re going through this.”

“ It must be quite upsetting for you when someone does so. We will soon fix the issue with our available source”

Validating feelings statements to customers be used when addressing customers concerns or feedback to show empathy and understanding.

10. Showing Understanding of the Impact

Businesses express higher levels of empathy and concern for the better experiences of their clients. This can be accomplished by paying close attention, responding carefully, and taking proactive steps to resolve issues or improve favorable results.

Here are a few statements that fit Showing Understanding of Impact

“The feelings you have are fairly valid.”

“I understand why you’re going through this.”

“ It must be quite upsetting for you when someone does so. We will soon fix the issue with our available source”

Businesses can increase consumer loyalty and connections by making sympathetic remarks, which results in success and satisfaction for both parties.

Bonus Tips To Use Empathy Statements Effectively

Here are some of the tips to use empathy statements effectively so that you can satisfy customers and feel understood so that they remain loyal to the business over time.

  • Don’t take it personally: You need to keep in mind that frustrated or angry customer is often directed at the situation, not at you.
  • Pay attention to Your Own Biases: Whenever you get any kind of feedback from the customer analyze their opinion without being influenced by your own biases.
  • Active Listening: You can respond empathetically and address customers’ concerns effectively when you listen and understand what the customers are saying.
  • Putting off Judgment: Putting off judgment enables one to genuinely understand the customer’s perspective and nurtures empathy and trust
  • Follow up: Follow up with the client to make sure they’re satisfied and provide more assistance if required.
  • Practice empathy consistently: Make empathy a part of your customer service approach in every interaction

How KrispCall help to achieve empathy statements for customers?

Sending Empathy Messages and Calls with KrispCall stands as a powerful differentiator.KrispCall is integrated with diverse features and valuable tools to craft and deliver genuine empathy messages and calls. Some of its features are : 

  • Targeted Call Routing: Assure that the correct message reaches the right consumer by allocating calls to agents who are experienced in handling particular circumstances. KrispCall’s analytics can assist in identifying client segments that necessitate outreach focused on empathy.
  • CRM Integration: Utilize client information from your CRM to customize communications by mentioning previous exchanges or taking into account their particular circumstances.
  • Multi-Channel Options: Use KrispCall’s softphone or integrated messaging to reach customers on their preferred channels, whether they be voice calls, texts, or SMS messages.
  • Real-Time Communication: When a customer phones or contacts you, answer their issues right away and show that you’re prepared to listen. Being quick demonstrates your respect for their time and emotions.


Implementing empathy statements appropriately helps businesses to create positive impressions and address customer concerns. Ultimately, this leads to achieving success. Remembering to listen actively, avoid biases, and consistently practice empathy can significantly impact customer interactions. 

With tools like KrispCall, businesses can further enhance their ability to connect with customers on a deeper level. This leads to improved customer experiences and long-term success in today’s competitive landscape.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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