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How to Connect WhatsApp with Zapier to Send Messages?



How to connect WhatsApp with Zapier to send messages

Have you ever imagined a world where your messaging tasks practically run themselves? Can apps like WhatsApp really be connected with Zapiers to send messages?

The ability to connect Zapier with other apps can revolutionize communication, but by combining it with the powerhouse of automation, Zapier takes efficiency to new heights. 

In this blog post, we’ll discuss whether WhatsApp can be connected with Zapier or not. We will also provide some simple steps to connect WhatsApp with Zapier, enabling you to automate messages with ease. 

So, say now goodbye to manual messaging and hello to a more efficient workflow. Let’s dive in and revolutionize the way you communicate!                      


  • You cannot directly connect Zapier to WhatsApp because there are several limitations to third-party integrations. 
  • You can simply connect WhatApps with Zapier by following a few steps.
  • Another possible integration like Zapier is Wati.

Can I Connect Zapier to WhatsApp?

No, you cannot directly connect Zapier to WhatsApp because there are several limitations to third-party integrations. Also, Whatsapp doesn’t offer an official API for integration with external services like Zapier. 

However, there are other techniques to bridge the gap between Zapier and WhatsApp. The solution usually is the use of combination tools such as Twilio, Integromat, or ChatGPT API to initiate communication between Zapier and WhatsApp.

How to Connect WhatsApp with Zapier to Send Messages?

Here is a step-by-step guide to connecting WhatsApp with Zapier to send messages. 

Step 1: In your Zapier account, on the ‘Zap’ page, select the ‘Create Zap’ option.

Select the Create Zap option

Step 2: Now, among the list, choose your trigger app and the event you prefer.

Choose trigger app and event

Step 3: Under ‘Do this’, select ‘Webhooks by Zapier’ option

Choose Webhooks by Zapier

Step 4: After that, in the ‘Choose Action Events’, select ‘POST’

Step 5: Now, you can customize your request

Customize your request

Step 6: Insert ‘Authorization’ under Headers

Insert authorization under headers

Step 7: Test your Zap and turn it on

Test your Zap and turn it on

Other Possible Integrations

There are several other possible integrations, and Wati is one of them. Wati for WhatsApp Business API can be integrated easily with other third-party software such as Hubspot, Zoho, Zoho Flow, Google Sheets (using App Script), Zendesk, etc.

A Better Way: Send WhatsApp Messages Automatically Using KrispCall + Zapier Integration

You can send WhatsApp messages automatically using KrispCall Zapier integration. When a contact is added to the KrispCall, this action triggers Zapier. Then, Zapier tracks the contact, and a message is sent to WhatsApp. Likewise, when a message is received in KrispCall, a trigger is generated in Zapier, and as a result, a message is sent to WhatApps.

Similarly, when a voicemail is received in KrispCall, a message is sent to WhatsApp through Zapier, following the same action and trigger technique. These messages sent to WhatsApp can be customized according to the requirement. 

Final Thoughts

Since you cannot directly connect Zapier to WhatsApp, there is still a better way to send WhatsApp messages automatically using KrispCall Zapier integration. The message can be automatically sent using the action and trigger technique between KrispCall and Zapier as soon as contact/voice mail/ message is received in KrispCall. Like Zapier, there are also some other possible integrations, one of which is Wati.

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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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