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Chatbot Vs Live Chat: Differences, Pros & Cons for Business



Chatbot Vs Live Chat

Do you know that companies that excel at customer experience bring in 5.7 times more revenue 😯 compared to competitors? Still, some companies are having difficulty offering better communication to form a better connection with their audience. 

Customers expect instant access to information and support in today’s fast-paced digital world. Businesses are constantly seeking ways to meet these demands while keeping costs manageable. Two powerful tools have emerged to address this challenge: Chatbots and Live chat. But which one is right for your business? Who will win the battle for customer satisfaction?

In this blog, you will learn about the pros, cons, and key differences between chatbots and live chat, helping you choose your champion for customer service glory.


  • Chatbots and live chat are two different digital customer service solutions businesses can implement to engage with customers and provide support. 
  • Live Chat is best for delivering personalized and empathetic assistance through human agents, while Chatbots excel at managing simple, repetitive customer inquiries and providing 24/7 support. 
  • Some of the chatbot’s features are instant response, handling a large volume of issues, scalability, and consistency.
  • Live chat features are personalized interaction, human touch, and the ability to handle complete issues.
  • With the combination of Chatbot and Live Chat, you can improve your customer support.

Chatbot Vs Live Chat: Key Differences

Live chat agents specialize in offering proper human-to-human service, which shines the most when resolving multi-step, complicated issues or those requiring strong communication and security. 

Chatbots, on the other hand, leverage the power of AI to offer appropriate self-service through automated conversation flows. They make it easy for customers to reach out and quickly solve simple issues 24/7, all days of the week, without waiting in a queue. 

Chatbots and Live chats revolve around the same purpose: answering customers’ queries. These two also have several of the same features, but the way these features handle the task is a bit different.

Here is a table offering you a better insight into the top 10 features provided by both Chatbot and Live Chat 👇: 

FeaturesChatbotLive Chat
Availability24/7Business Hours (variable)
Response TimeInstantVariable
Complexity HandlingLowHigh
Customer SentimentDepends on individual customer preference but offers instant responsesDepends on individual customer preference but allows for greater personalization
Wait TimesVery LowVariable
Multilingual SupportPossiblePossible
Data CollectionPossiblePossible

Pros & cons of live chat and chatbots

While there are many plus points, there are also some minor minus points that can be seen on Chatbots and Live chat. Let’s discuss this in proper detail.

Pros of Chatbot

Chatbots provide numerous benefits to help you improve engagement and streamline your customer service expenses. They also deliver immediate assistance, aid in scalability, and promote cost-efficiency by decreasing the cost of your customer support team reliance.

However, despite the various advantages that chatbots offer, they also have certain disadvantages that may affect customer satisfaction.

So, here is a breakdown of the pros and cons of Chatbot:

24/7 availabilityHigh setup cost
ScalabilityPrivacy concerns
Cost-effectivenessStruggles with complexity

24/7 availability

Chatbots are incomparable when it comes to availability, which ensures your business will always be there for your customer no matter what time it is on the clock. 

Chatbots are the perfect tool to enhance overall customer satisfaction as they resolve issues by providing instant responses, which increases customer engagement. Additionally, this also plays a significant role in boosting customer confidence in your brand’s responsiveness and reliability.


Another significant advantage of chatbots is their scalability. Even if the volume of customer queries increases drastically, chatbots will handle all of those without compromising efficiency.

Chatbots can effortlessly adjust to increased demand as your company expands, guaranteeing a consistent level of support. This scalability not only improves customer satisfaction by reducing wait times but also ensures quick assistance, even during busy times.


Chatbot plays a vital role in reducing your total cost, which is needed for additional customer service agents. 

Chatbots can manage a large number of queries at once, enhancing resource utilization and reducing the need for excessive human involvement. This cost-effective solution allows your company to locate resources effectively, maximizing productivity and profitability while upholding exceptional customer service standards.

Cons of Chatbots

High setup cost

Chatbots can help you save extra money by reducing the number of agents required, but the cost of setting them up can be quite high. 

Building a well-programmed chatbot with advanced natural language processing (NLP) capabilities can be costly. It also requires careful curation of training data and fine-tuning of the AI to ensure an accurate understanding of user queries. While simpler chatbots with limited functionality may cost less, they may not meet the level of service you desire.

Privacy concerns

Chatbots rely on the data collected to offer proper interaction. Data is vital for understanding customer needs and improving the chatbot’s overall performance. Still, it’s also crucial to have strong, appropriate security measures and clear data privacy policies to offer a sense of trust to your customers.  

Therefore, customers should be informed in advance about what type of data is being collected and how it’s going to be used.

Struggles with complexity

Chatbots shine the most when handling pre-defined tasks and basic inquiries. This means they will face some problems when handling complicated requests, complex issues, or unexpected situations. 

For example, if a customer’s query is beyond the chatbot’s predefined answers, it may result in frustration and a negative experience. Chatbots can also use the wrong tone in messages or misunderstand sarcasm, slang, or any other informal language, which may create a huge gap in communication.

Pros and Cons of Live chat

Over the years, Live chat has become one of the favorite tools preferred by businesses all around the world for providing real-time assistance. This method of customer support enables human agents to engage directly with any customers who are facing issues, which helps to foster meaningful interactions and tailored support.

While live chat offers numerous benefits, it also has some drawbacks you should be wary of.

So, here is a breakdown of the pros and cons of Live chat

Human interactionLimited hours
Real-time supportDepends on the agent’s knowledge
Personalized assistanceLimited by agent skills

Human interaction

Chatting with a bot can miss some of the sparks that can be experienced when you chat with a human. Just like that, live chat software offers you the benefit of proper human interaction, allowing your customers to talk directly with a support team representative. 

This may appear as a simple method on the surface, but it plays a vital role in offering a personal touch that fosters a sense of connection and empathy, enhancing customer satisfaction by addressing concerns in a more humanized manner.

Real-time support

Another advantage of using live chat is its unique ability to provide support to visitors on your website instantly. This instant accessibility significantly improves customer satisfaction by resulting in quicker issue resolution and shorter response times.

In addition, real-time support allows your business to capitalize on others and make offers to customers related to other products or services, thus improving the level of engagement and revenues.

Personalized assistance

Live chat enables support agents to personalize their responses based on customers’ needs and preferences, leading to a more personalized assistance experience. 

With the help of different live chat software, your team can also access valuable data, such as customer data and past interactions, which can be utilized to offer tailored recommendations or solutions. This can ultimately boost customer satisfaction and foster brand loyalty through a dedicated focus on individual customer needs.

Cons of Live Chat

Limited hours

One major disadvantage of live chat services is that they are commonly available only during business hours. This means there is a lack of assistance if the customer has questions or contacts outside of business hours. This develops a sense of frustration for customers who need help during evenings or weekends, which can ultimately affect the business rate. 

While others may offer live chat support for an elongated period, including round-the-clock services, extra costs may be required.

Depends on the agent’s knowledge

Live chat heavily relies on the agent’s knowledge and experience to conduct effective interactions with customers. If your agent lacks the fundamentals or provides inaccurate information, this can create a negative image of your brand in front of customers. 

So, to communicate properly with your customers, you must provide comprehensive training programs to equip your agents with the necessary skills to address various inquiries effectively.

Limited by agent skills

Handling numerous conversations is one of the necessary skills of live chat agents. This may seem exclusive, but it also means that each customer may receive less individual attention. 

Some complex problems might demand more dedicated time and concentration than a busy agent can offer promptly. Moreover, product knowledge and the ability to communicate with the customer and be empathetic are significant determinants an agent brings into the process.

Chatbot Cs Live Chat: In General

There are many things Chatbot can do better than Live Chat and vice versa. So, the features these two have to offer can be similar, but the one that does it better can be crucial. 

So, here are some of the Chatbot vs Live Chat points in general: 

1. Chatbot vs Live Chat: Response Time

Response time is one of the best areas of expertise for Chatbots. They are designed and programmed to reply to pre-built responses within an instant, no matter the time. Implementing a chatbot on your website offers a quick response to every customer who reaches out for support. Chatbots also play a major role in eliminating wait time for your customers. 

On the other hand, with live chat, customers would have to wait for a few minutes or more (depending upon a customer service representative’s availability) before they contact the right agent. However live chat can also minimize wait times, but in order to do so, your chat support team must be well-equipped and staffed to handle any number of incoming queries. 

With pre-prepared responses and quick access to chat scripts, your agents can instantly deliver support even with live chat. 

According to Comm100, 71% of customers aged between 16-24 believe that a quick response from a service team can drastically improve their customer experience. Due to this reason, chatbots are the clear winner due to their quick response and 24/7 availability. 

2. Chatbot vs Live Chat: Handling complex issues 

When it comes down to solving and handling complex problems, live chat emerges as the clear and evident victor. Regardless of the complexity of an issue, human agents can easily adapt and handle it professionally. Live chat agents can also collaborate with other team members and engage in discussions with customers to deliver optimal solutions. 

Conversely, Chatbots are programmed to respond based on a specific set of keywords. For example, if a customer inquiry involves a complex issue beyond the chatbot’s capabilities, it will redirect the customer to a live chat agent for resolution.

Despite the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in chatbot technology, they are not yet fully equipped to address complex customer concerns effectively.

3. Chatbot vs Live Chat: Cost-efficient

Chatbots are the clear winners when it comes to cost-effectiveness, as they reduce the need for additional support agents. Chatbots optimize resource utilization and mitigate extensive human intervention requirements by handling multiple queries rapidly. 

According to a study conducted by Chatbots Magazine, Chatbots can reduce businesses’ customer service costs by up to 30%. This study alone shows the value chatbots have to offer for any business.

Alternately, live chat relies heavily on more manpower to serve more customers, and it can even cost extra funds to offer 24/7 support.

4. Chatbot vs Live Chat: Availability

The constant availability of chatbots is one of their most noticeable advantages.

Unlike live chat agents, chatbots do not require rest, breaks, or time off and are available even on weekends. Office hours don’t apply to chatbots, which allow customers to receive responses to basic inquiries anytime and any day.

But now, you may wonder what would happen in cases where a chatbot cannot address a complex customer issue or one that necessitates human intervention.

Well, don’t worry, as it can still generate a case report and ticket number for your agents to handle during regular business hours. This feature also helps distribute the workload of your human teams more effectively.

5. Chatbot vs Live Chat: Customer satisfaction 

Live chat has an edge over Chatbots but there is no clear answer to which is better when it comes to customer satisfaction. 

Live chat is the best way to offer real-time assistance to your customers with a human touch. Human agents can understand the customer’s mood and tone and are skilled in delivering the right support. They can drive meaningful conversations and improve customer engagement. Establishing a customer connection increases customer satisfaction and builds brand loyalty. 

However, there are some types of customers who prefer instant responses. Instant responses also boost customer satisfaction, and chatbots are the perfect solution. Moreover, AI chatbots can now initiate small talk and engage with customers. This simple approach makes the conversations sound less robotic and improves engagement. 

6. Chatbot vs Live Chat: Agent productivity 

Although live chat boosts agent productivity compared to traditional support channels, chatbots surpass live chat in this regard. 

Chatbots excel in handling routine and common inquiries, allowing agents to dedicate their time and expertise to more complex matters. This shift in focus enables agents to address complex issues more efficiently. AI-driven chatbots are best for resolving common questions and customer concerns by providing the most suitable responses from the knowledge base and FAQs. These chatbots continuously learn from customer interactions, reducing the need for agent supervision or involvement.

Conversely, live chat enhances agent productivity compared to traditional support channels. It provides all customer data and integrations on a single screen, eliminating the need for agents to switch between tabs to access relevant information and preventing agent overload and manual conversation assignment.

Moreover, live chat can be enhanced with automation features such as canned responses, enabling agents to quickly resolve customer issues by selecting predefined answers without needing to type them out repeatedly.

7. Chatbot vs Live Chat: Scalability

Chabot stands out the most when it comes to scalability compared to live chat. Even when businesses face increased customer queries, chatbots can handle such an increasing volume without compromising efficiency.

Chatbots can adapt seamlessly to accommodate higher demand as your business grows, ensuring consistent support quality. This scalability enhances customer satisfaction by minimizing wait times and ensuring prompt assistance, even during peak periods of activity.

On the other hand, live chat can incur extra charges to expand the team to match the number of incoming queries. This makes the scalability of live chat harder. 

8. Chatbot vs Live Chat: Customer experience

Chatbots are effective in reducing wait times, while live chat facilitates personalized assistance.

There is no definitive answer as to which option is best, as both have their own advantage when it comes to delivering a satisfactory customer experience. Chatbots and live chat each offer distinct benefits in terms of enhancing customer self-service and overall customer satisfaction.

While chatbots excel in providing immediate responses and round-the-clock availability, live chat enables direct interaction with human agents, fostering empathy and comprehension.

When deciding between chatbots and live chat for customer experience, it is important to assess your business’s requirements and customer preferences in order to make the appropriate choice. Additionally, conducting research on other applications that can enhance customer experience and utilizing various customer service tools can be advantageous.

9. Chatbot vs Live Chat: Accuracy

A prompt and efficient response is just as crucial as a high-quality answer. Through precise programming, chatbots can offer accurate information by retrieving and delivering data with close to zero errors. Nevertheless, when it comes to context-specific or complex queries, chatbots may not be the right choice to handle them.

On the other hand, live chats are made for such situations. Human operators possess the ability to understand complex queries, engage in meaningful conversations, and provide personalized responses. They are also more adept at gauging the customer’s emotions and adjusting their answers accordingly.

So, choosing a winner on this one can be hard, but live chat stands out as best in accuracy.

10. Chatbot vs Live Chat: Human Interaction

There is bound to be some type of gap between chatbots and live chat when it comes to human interaction. Chatbots are typically programmed to answer simple questions quickly and efficiently. Being a programmed tool, it lacks emotional intelligence and human tone. This can lead to a feeling of impersonal and limited interactions, mainly when customers’ questions fall outside the bot’s programmed responses. 

On the other side, live chat bridges this gap with real human agents who can detect emotions, adapt their communication style, and tailor solutions accordingly.

This personal touch helps establish trust and rapport with customers. While live chat offers a more positive experience, it is typically confined to business hours and may involve waiting times based on agent availability.


So, who wins the chatbot vs. live chat battle? The truth is, it depends on your overall business needs. Think of them as teammates, not rivals. Chatbots can be your tireless information buddy, while live chat agents add the human touch. The best combo will leave your customers feeling informed, happy, and ready to return for more 😀. 

So, embrace the power of technology and human connection, and watch your customer service satisfaction fly high 🕊️. Remember, happy customers are loyal customers, and that’s the ultimate win in this battle.

Finding the right balance between Chatbot and Live Chat

Well, after discussing the pros and cons of Chatbots and Live chat, there may be some debate about which one is the right choice for me. One study shows that 40% of customers don’t have a specific preference for chatbots or human support as long as they get the support they need. So, what happens when you just combine both? 

Combining both the chatbot and live chat together is the best way to use them. This is one of the most effective methods to deliver a memorable customer service experience. While looking out for the pros and cons of chatbots and live chat, you will get a better insight into which is the right fit for your business. But when used together, live chat and chatbots can provide you with a perfectly balanced customer support experience.

Here are the ways you can follow to find the right balance between these two applications:

  • Start with chatbots: Chatbots act as the first touchpoint to promptly handle basic inquiries and assess potential leads through rapid, round-the-clock replies. They employ efficient response mechanisms, connect with databases of information, and utilize artificial intelligence to facilitate a more seamless interaction.
  • Prioritize and transfer to representatives: Chatbots can seamlessly transfer customers to live agents to prevent user frustration and dead-end conversations. AI can also detect customer dissatisfaction and confusion, using those as triggers to route customers to a live agent.
  • Human agents for complex cases: By utilizing bots to manage the initial workload, chatbots can address most inquiries without requiring human interaction. But if there are some complex problems, human agents can just handle them.


Why is Live Chat Important?

Live chat allows customers to connect directly with sales and support reps for real-time support. It is the most preferred proactive channel because it offers real-time support. 

Live chat has many benefits, and you can utilize it to improve your overall communication with your customers by offering empathy.

Here are some of the points indicating why Live chat is important:

  • Handles complex conversations better: Certain queries require elaboration and discussion. Chatting with a live agent allows complex issues to be handled seamlessly with effective solutions.
  • Live chat allows multitasking: Live chat is a valuable tool that enhances your team’s productivity by enabling agents to manage multiple conversations. By effectively identifying and directing the chats to the appropriate team, you can ensure faster and more efficient support.

Why are Chatbots Important?

Chatbots are programmed to provide support and improve customer experience by offering automated answers to any question a customer may have. They are always there to engage with customers by answering all of their simple questions.

Here are some of the points indicating why chatbots are important: 

  • Bots are always there for reply: By introducing chatbots to your business, you can easily engage with your customers 24×7 by answering their queries promptly.
  • Scalable: Bots are super easy to scalable as there is no upper limit even if the volume suddenly increases or a service team is unavailable.
  • Less likely to make errors: Chatbots are designed and programmed in such a way as to enhance your customer experience by offering a quick and accurate response.
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Dinesh Silwal

Dinesh Silwal is the Co-Founder and Co-CEO of KrispCall. For the past few years, he has been advancing and innovating in the cloud telephony industry, using AI to enhance and improve telephony solutions, and driving KrispCall to the forefront of the field.

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